About Me

About Me

Photo for About MeI would like to share a little bit about me, and how I came to be the Low Carb Healthy Fat Dietitian.

In 2015, a physician-friend came to speak with me about implementing a low carb diet with a family member, and she shared with me from the scientific literature how a low carb diet was both safe and effective. After much studying, I began to offer low carb services.

In 2017, I opened The Low Carb Healthy Fat Dietitian which is dedicated to providing a range of low carb and ketogenic services.

I am a member of Canadian Clinicians for Therapeutic Nutrition, a group of Canadian of physicians and healthcare professionals that utilizes evidence-based dietary interventions to improve — and when possible, to reverse the symptoms of chronic, nutritionally-related diseases.

I recently resumed using my maiden name (Erdile), but since I have been known for decades as Joy Kiddie, I continue to practice under that name.

Training and Credentials

  • Registered Dietitian (RD)
  • Bachelor of Science (Nutritional Sciences), McGill University
  • Master of Science (Human Nutrition), University of British Columbia, 2008
  • Bilingual (English, French), listed in the Réso Santé Colombie-Britannique
  • Long-standing member Dietitians of Canada (DC)
  • Member of Canadian Clinicians for Therapeutic Nutrition

About Me – a Published Researcher

I was the lead researcher on a clinical research study about the Dietary Intake and Nutrient Status of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, that was published in the International Journal of Pediatrics in 2010. 

Nutritional Status of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Pilot Study, June 2010, International Journal of Pediatrics 2010(2):767318 DOI: 10.1155/2010/767318

The paper has since been cited in almost 60 other publications.

About Me – Author of Low Carb Breads of the World

I am the author of Low Carb Breads of the World, a book that features an entirely new category of low-carb bread. These breads contain NO nut flours, NO psyllium, NO xanthan or guar gum, and NO inulin. These are “real breads that happens to be low carb.”

Click here to learn more.

About Me – practicing what I teach

In March 2017 I was at a crossroads with respect to my own health. It was more accurately, a crisis. I knew that I would either have to change the way I ate or would need to go on several types of medications to address high blood sugar, high cholesterol and very high blood pressure. The day I made the decision was March 5, 2017 and I’ve never looked back.

By following a low carb and then a ketogenic diet over the following two years, I lost substantial weight and put my type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure into remission. 

Even though I knew what to do, I had to do it just like anyone else and my passion is to help others to do the same.


I wrote about my health and weight-recovery story (March 5, 2017 – March 4, 2019) as it was occurring and called it “A Dietitian’s Journey”.

In June 2022, I ended up writing a second part to “A Dietitian’s Journey” after being diagnosed with severe hypothyroidism. That journey continues.

A Dietitian’s Journey 

My personal weight-loss and health-recovery story (March 5, 2017 – March 4, 2019) is available here.

Teaching What I Practice

This is one of my clients who set a New Year’s goal 3 years ago. She knew it would take time, but here she is. She has lost over 200 pounds eating low carb and tells her story in her own words, here.

About Me – Conference & Podcast Speaker

Podcasts and Virtual Summits

On November 23, 2022, I met with Esther Kane, Registered Social Worker and Registered Clinical Counsellor and host of the podcast, Compassionate Conversations. We had a terrific chat about the emerging role of a low carb or ketogenic diet in mental health, the 100-year history of a therapeutic ketogenic diet, as well as  the need for individualized dietary approaches for those with compulsive overeating, or food addiction.  Link to the podcast titled “Can a Low-Carb / Ketogenic Diet Help Curb Overeating?” is available here, and the video here.

[The first few minutes of the podcast are an introduction to Esther Kane’s new series, and the interview with me begins at 2:44. Enjoy!]

November 7, 2022: I enjoyed my chat this morning with Netta Gorman of the Life After Sugar podcast where she asked about my adoption of a low carb lifestyle, my book Low Carb Breads of the World, my recent diagnosis with hypothyroidism, and more. This talk is titled “You can eat bread and still be low carb” and is #105, but we speak about much more than just low carb bread. It is available here.  

October 22, 2022: I was the Dietitian representing low carb and ketogenic diets in the management of type 2 diabetes at the Diabetes Canada Let’s End Diabetes Virtual Conference. Here is how to watch it.


September 9, 2022: I had a great time chatting again with Dr. Tro Kalayjian and Dr. Brian Lenzkes on the Low Carb MD Podcast! We talked about everything from my book Low Carb Breads of the World to my recent diagnosis with hypothyroidism and the articles I have written about that. Listen to Episode #241 of the Low Carb MD Podcast here

I was also one of the first guests on the Low Carb MD Podcast (episode #7) as well as episode #141).

I have also been a speaker on several podcasts and virtual summits, the most recent of which is the Food Junkies Food Addiction Summit, released on October 14, 2021. 

I have also been a guest onVinnie Tortorich one 1-on-1 LuminariesLaban Ditchburn’s Become Your Own Superhero, Die Healthier Podcast episode #41),  Ketovangelist, (episode #153), as well as on Weight Solutions For Physicians. 

I was also one of three speakers at the Low Carb and Ketogenic Approach to Health virtual summit in August 2020, along with Dr. Paul Mason of Australia and Ivor Cummins (the “Fat Emperor”) of Dublin, Ireland.


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